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[–]NuttinBuddaHoundDawg[S,M] [score hidden] stickied comment (0 children)

Welcome Kratomites! Summer 2022 - start of "Peak Season", the Dry Season for harvesting Kratom each year, following Indonesia's wet winter. This Vendor List ~ the Original Reddit Vendor List ~ since 2017. Has changed with the times! Now in 2022, we again see a New Wave of Kratom folks seeking a trusted online source for good Leaf. Buyers search for just a few good sources, Quality over quantity - Therefore we have reduced this List, from the old Top-40, down to a "vetted" Dozen. A Top-12 plus twelve more.

This Vendor List, will continue to focus on "Small Batch" online sellers who Import Direct from Indonesia. We prefer those who partner with Indo sources - to bring you the highest possible quality kratom. Indo recipes and blends with classic Red, Green and White "strains" are preferred. There is a strong kratom market in USA! Consumers want all-natural kratom powder, excellent quality, and Wild Harvest leaf ~ Let's support our Indo partners, and make sure they receive fair prices, for their best product!

Biggest change in recent years ? Shipping problems! The FDA's Import Alert "Shadow Ban" of kratom shipments, has led to Big Kratom companies importing by Sea Container - In massive 20+ Ton loads each month. Known as "Bulk Kratom", this often low quality Bulk is sold off cheaply to Extract lab processors - and blown out at low prices by USA Wholesale distributors. Quality Control at 20 tons? Quality has taken a nose dive, for these Bulk, Retail and Head Shop sellers. Profiteers have driven down Indonesia prices.

The Solution? MORE "Small Batch" vendors, importing by many different routes. They cannot STOP all small packages! Until FDA approves Kratom AS a Dietary Supplement, we continue to promote a Distributed Model here in USA = NOT Consolidated, among a few Big Kratom Cartel companies - but rather, widely "Distributed" network - The # number of Online Vendors is now almost 300. This Vendor List supports Online Kratom sold NFHC - Raw Herbs, processed using AHPA (American Herbal Products Assn.) guidelines. We support higher prices for our Indonesian partners, harvesters and growers! 🤩

[–]NuttinBuddaHoundDawg[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

PMO = Private Vendors aka Private Members Only, operate as non public Online Vendors - Not available to the Public. These companies DO have a vendor business, with some Social Media or website - But limit Sales to "Family and friends". Often due to Low Stock available. All of these PMO vendors, do sometimes open their business to New Members, usually on Social Media. Please consider - there is NO evidence that PMO means = better kratom. 😃 PMO vendors import their kratom from the SAME places - often the same Indo sources - as Public vendors do.