/* == HEADER == */

       /* == BANNER == */
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       /* SAIDIT Logo = image & home button */
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       /* header left top (ovoid not tabs) menu links
                                             "My Subs"
                                             "Home" "All" "Subscribed" "Random" "Friends" "Mod"
                                             "Edit Subs" */
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       /* header left top (ovoid not tabs) "Home" "All" "Subscribed" "Random" "Friends" "Mod" */
#sr-header-area a.choice                         { color: #FFFFFF; }

       /* header left top "My Subs" extra position tweak */
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.theme-nightmode #sr-header-area .selected.title { position: relative; left: 12px; top: -1px; height: 21px; }

       /* fix for subscribed/all/... being partially hidden under my subs link */
.sr-list { padding-left: 20px !important; }

       /* header left middle (ovoid not tabs) current subreddit */
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       /* header left bottom (ovoid not tabs) tab menu */
       /* NOTE: "left:" is CUSTOM FOR EACH PAGE depending on the page title length */
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       /* header left bottom (ovoid removing tabs) "Hot" "New" "Insightful" "Funny" "Top" "Comments" "Wiki" */
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       /* header right (ovoid) user messages # mod mode "Preferences" "Logout" */
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#header-bottom-right .flat-list                  { border-bottom: 0px; }
#header-bottom-right a.pref-lang.choice          { padding-left: 6px; font-weight: normal; border-bottom: 0px; }
#header-bottom-right .logout                     { padding-left: 8px; }

/* end */



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