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/s/TinFoilHat: Tin Foil Hat and all things related to Tin Foil Hattery.

Tin Foil Hat

and all things related to Tin Foil Hattery.

Not all Tin Foil Hat podcast episodes will be posted, just the A+ or better shows.

If you can't laugh at yourself then cry, cry until you die.

Submission is death! - Resistance is life! - Brilliance is dull. - Wit is it!


18,277 subscribers18,278 subscribers18,280 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/Architecture: Architecture


All things architecture.

18,016 subscribers18,017 subscribers18,019 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/blackmetal: Blackmetal - Blackmetal and accoutrements. Ground Zero elite black metal resistance vanguard.


Blackmetal and accoutrements.

Ground Zero elite black metal resistance vanguard.

Hail. Give in to wisdom and knowledge, allow the fruits of your spirit to ripen and awaken the smokeless fire within.

17,947 subscribers17,948 subscribers17,950 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/PsyOps: PsyOps - Psychological Operations

PsyOps - Psychological Operations

PsyOps are psychological operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.

17,604 subscribers17,605 subscribers17,607 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/QuantumResistance: Quantum Resistance: stopping your encryption from becoming obsolete

Quantum computers could cause many common forms of encryption to be obsolete, and quantum resistance is the solution. Originated from discussion about cryptocurrency, but making anything else resistant, such as SSH, is also on topic for this sub.

15,940 subscribers15,941 subscribers15,943 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/PoliticalAnalysis: Political Analysis - how and why

Political Analysis

Understanding how and why are just as important as knowing who said or did what, where, and when for a fuller picture.

"Mainstream" corporate political news rarely provides much context by critically breaking down reports, statements, ideas, dogmas, tribalism, leaders, actions, policies, economics, class, division, manipulation, exploitation, corruption, extermination, wars, technology, history, and the politics of our world.

15,894 subscribers15,895 subscribers15,897 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/VaccineInjuries: VaccineInjuries

Vaccine Injuries

55 subscribers56 subscribers58 subscribers, a community for 2 years

/s/ClassWar: ClassWar = Machiavellianism is the world's greatest problem.


Machiavellianism is the world's greatest problem.

Chaos, suffering, debt, division, tribal political theater, saber rattling, fake news, real wars, propaganda, censorship, psy-ops, social engineering, and manufactured consent... All giant DISTRACTIONS preventing us from organizing resistance to the exploitative and murderous ruling class orchestrating it all. Nothing matters more than rejecting the corrupt matrix of rigged systems and those leading at the top.

33 subscribers34 subscribers36 subscribers, a community for 3 years

/s/CultureWars: CultureWars - analysis of social engineered chaos to distract, divide, and weaken us under tyranny


Analysis of the social engineering that is intentionally creating chaos to manufacture consent for more authoritarianism, greater regulation (selectively-enforced), and global tyranny - all while distracting from real issues and dividing us making us weak and unable to focus on fighting the ruling class.

31 subscribers32 subscribers34 subscribers, a community for 3 years

/s/Cassy: Cassy - Planning our next step after SaidIt.


What comes after

Help plan our next steps beyond SaidIt.

26 subscribers27 subscribers29 subscribers, a community for 3 years