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/* This CSS theme based on https://saidit.net/s/Deutsch/about/stylesheet/                  
   A modified reddit theme by /u/KudosInc 1/3/2018                                         */

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#header-bottom-right .user {
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.res .thing .tagline .author.moderator:hover {
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.subButtons {
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.titlebox form.flairtoggle {
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.titlebox form.flairtoggle:before {
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.flair {
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18 readers

~1 user here now


Illustrations, images, and discussion of glamour pin-up models, fashion erotica, sultry tattoos, cybergoth, comic heroes, rockabilly, tiki lounge core, urban graffiti, lowbrow, and/or experimental art.


ZERO TOLERANCE hard rules :

1. Moderation

Mod is God here. "Tasteful" is solely in the eyes of the Mod. Anything that displeases Him / Her / Zir will be censored with or without justification / explanation.

These terms & conditions and this community may evolve as the ModGods sees fit.

2. Imagery

Tasteful images only. No pornographic photos from any era. No pornographic illustrations nor pornographic cartoons.

Explicit historical paintings and erotica illustrations from before 1920 may be acceptable, depending, case by case, only if M7D3 are okay with it, and if they are exceptional and/or have exceptional stories.

Subjects may include: women, men, trans, couples, groups, furries, robots, martians, weirdness, abstract, etc. accepted, case by case.

Include as many links as you like within one post, but do not post repetitive content too frequently. (Visit your favourite model or artist on occasion, but not every day.)

Keep testing the limits and you will be banned.

3. Discussion

Titillate our intellect too. Imagery is preferred with additional information about the models, artists, photographers, locations, history, context, etc.

Images without stories must be exceptional. Blander pin-up images with interesting stories may be acceptable.

No disparaging anyone, present or not, even in jest. No -ists, -phobias, slurs, nor name-calling. No gore or violent talk. Otherwise speak freely. Perv out if you must but that only reflects on you. Worst case you will alienate SaidItrons or even be struck down by the ModGod.


References & Examples
Pin-up model Gil Elvgren
List of pin-up artists Alberto Vargas
Lowbrow art movement Boris Vallejo
Juxtapoz magazine Glenn Barr
Hi-Fructose magazine Bettie Page
Mark Ryden Olivia
Robert Crumb Frank Frazetta
Robert Williams Art Adams


Please, let us know how to improve this sidebar.

Ask to be a mod and state why, but prepare for rejection. Better than asking, prove yourself and earn an invitation.

Banner images by /u/JasonCarswell

created by JasonCarswella community for