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/s/CultureWars: CultureWars - analysis of social engineered chaos to distract, divide, and weaken us under tyranny


Analysis of the social engineering that is intentionally creating chaos to manufacture consent for more authoritarianism, greater regulation (selectively-enforced), and global tyranny - all while distracting from real issues and dividing us making us weak and unable to focus on fighting the ruling class.

31 subscribers32 subscribers34 subscribers, a community for 3 years

/s/TheRightStuffDotBiz: Your Rational World is a Circle Jerk

19 subscribers20 subscribers22 subscribers, a community for 3 years

/s/StandUpWindsor: StandUpWindsor : awareness & resistance against lockdowns & tyranny in Canada


The awareness and resistance against lockdowns and tyranny is organizing in Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

12 subscribers13 subscribers15 subscribers, a community for 2 years

/s/Druthers: Druthers - 'If I had my druthers, we all would know the truth.'


'If I had my druthers, we all would know the truth.'

Druthers is a free Canadian underground newspaper, that is not censored nor controlled by the globalists' corporatocracy.

6 subscribers7 subscribers9 subscribers, a community for 2 years

/s/Windsor_Ontario: Windsor_Ontario - Canada's southern-most city and more.


Canada's southern-most city and more.

5 subscribers6 subscribers8 subscribers, a community for 3 years

/s/GiraffeIdeas: GiraffeIdeas - Vision above the rest yet very grounded.

Giraffe Ideas

Vision above the rest
yet very grounded.

3 subscribers4 subscribers6 subscribers, a community for 3 years