viewing revision from 5 years ago




Ideas For SaidIt

Feature requests and ideas to help improve SaidIt and its community.

These lists of ideas are good, bad, ugly, and incomplete. Some of the bad ideas may lead to better ones so even the bad ideas are helpful, if for nothing other than an issue indicator and placeholder.

Please feel free to contribute to these idea lists or their solutions and organize it as you see fit. Respect other's work. Try to update these lists as issues get addressed.

SaidIt community project ideas

SaidIt feature ideas

SaidIt future ideas

SaidIt idea bucket

Got a great idea but are to busy or lazy? Just add it to this list and we'll sort it into the proper list for you. Great ideas are flippantly tossed around and easily forgotten, in posts, comments, or in chat. Copy paste them here too.

SaidIt IRC chat ideas

SaidIt policy ideas

Pro Tip: Draft up longer additions elsewhere, then quickly copy pasta here to avoid editing this long wiki page too for long increasing the possibility of editing conflicts. While you're editing someone else may be editing another version creating painful document conflicts to resolve if the loss of information is even discovered.

Note: These idea lists were initially copied from the outdated That article has a few reference links back to discussions here on SaidIt.

revision by JasonCarswell— view source