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/* This CSS theme based on https://saidit.net/s/Deutsch/about/stylesheet/                  
   A modified reddit theme by /u/KudosInc 1/3/2018                                         */

.md a:hover {
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#header-bottom-right .user {
  font-size: 0px !important; }*/

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.res .thing .tagline .author.moderator:hover {
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.link .entry {
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.link .expando-button.expanded {
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#header .tabmenu li:last-child a {
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body.res .subscribers {
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.subButtons {
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.theme-nightmode .side {
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.flairselector h2 {
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.titlebox form.flairtoggle:before {
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.titlebox .tagline {
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.linkflair-orange .linkflairlabel {
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   Customisation options start here:

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   Hit save and you're done!

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The Green Party is a global political movement, nuanced from region to region, and this forum may discuss all Green Party issues, ideas, alternatives, solutions, and more.

Remain on topic or your posts will be deleted. There are great topical subs on SaidIt appropriate for any post.

The chat and wiki are active for Green Party friends to use.

Hopefully, with enough participation, this conversation may fork into other related subsaidits for regional, local, national, and global social media and campaign strategies, media production (ie. aggregated Green news, Green podcasts, Green vlogs, promo spots, etc.), and other specialized fields.


See also:
/s/Agenda21_Agenda2030 Anti-Consumerism
/s/AntiExtremes /s/Antiwar
/s/Architecture /s/Automotive
/s/Canada Centrism
/s/ClassWar /s/climate
/s/CleanYourRoom /s/ClimateChange
/s/ClimateSkeptics Conservation
/s/Cooperatives /s/Corporatocracy
/s/CorruptScience Deep Green
/s/DepopulationWatch /s/DeepState
/s/DIY Dying Oceans
/s/Earth /s/EarthPorn
Eco Activism /s/Energy
/s/environment /s/Fitness
/s/FLOSS Flux Party
Freecycling /s/Freedom
/s/gardening Geoengineering (Chemtrails)
/s/Geopolitics /s/GreenParty
/s/Health /s/Hydrogen
/s/Illusions Minarchy
Minimalism Off Grid
Non-Interventionism /s/overpopulation
/s/politics Pollution
/s/Preppers /s/propaganda
/s/Radiation and 5G Recycling and Upcycling
/s/RulingClass Social Engineering
/s/Solar /s/Solutions
/s/Surveillance /s/Sustainability
Suburban Nightmare /s/Technocracy
/s/Terminology Toxic Environments
Urban Living /s/Voluntarism
/s/Voting_IsARiggedJoke Voting Reform
Waging Peace /s/WarWatch
/s/Water /s/Wikispooks

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created by JasonCarswella community for