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       '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''       */
/*                                                                                         */
/* "SimpleTweaks" SubSaidIt CSS Theme                                                      */
/*                          for         https://SaidIt.net                                 */
/*                          by          /u/JasonCarswell 2020-05-09                        */
/*                          used on     /s/CorbettCommenters/                              */
/*                                                                                         */
/* "SimpleTweaks-Viral" SubSaidIt CSS Theme                                                */
/*                          for         https://SaidIt.net                                 */
/*                          modified by /u/JasonCarswell 2020-05-09                        */
/*                          modified by /u/magnora7      2020-05-11                        */
/*                          used on     /s/Coronavirus/                                    */
/*                                                                                         */

/*                                                                                         */
/* All /u/JasonCarswell CSS themes for SaidIt:                                             */
/*                                                                                         */
/* "Ergonomix"           Designed for maximum readability and efficient practicality       */
/*                          with a modicum of design aesthetics.                           */
/*                          Applied to over 20 subsaidits.                                 */
/*                          https://saidit.net/s/DecentralizeAllThings/about/stylesheet/   */
/*                                                                                         */
/* "SimpleTweaks"        Designed as a minimalist copy+paste CSS theme to enhance          */
/*                          SaidIt's default CSS.  This simple CSS is also perfect         */
/*                          for novice CSS designers to learn on and customize.            */
/*                          https://saidit.net/s/CorbettCommenters/about/stylesheet/       */
/* "SimpleTweaks-Viral"     https://saidit.net/s/Coronavirus/about/stylesheet/             */
/*                                                                                         */
/* "SaidItron"           A duo-tone theme initially for WikiSpooks designed to be          */
/*                          easily customized in under an hour for a palette               */
/*                          gradient between two colors.                                   */
/* "SaidItron-Purple"       https://saidit.net/s/Wikispooks/about/stylesheet/              */
/* "SaidItron-Green"        https://saidit.net/s/GreenParty/about/stylesheet/              */
/* "SaidItron-Flesh"        https://saidit.net/s/PinUps/about/stylesheet/                  */
/*                                                                                         */

/*                                                                                         */
/* Freely copy and paste, modify, or share this subsaidit CSS and installation steps.      */
/*                                                                                         */
/* Please contact /u/JasonCarswell for assistance or if you have CSS ergonomic issues,     */
/* CSS bugs, or have improvement suggestions for this CSS and/or this installation text.   */
/*                                                                                         */
/* For assistance see also :                                                               */
/*                          /s/SaiditCSSthemes/                                            */
/*                          /s/SaiditCSSthemes/wiki/                                       */
/*                                                                                         */

/***** END OF INTRO                                                                    *****/

/***** HEADER                                                                          *****/

#header {
   height: 100px; }

.theme-daymode   #header {
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.theme-nightmode #header {
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#header #header-bottom-left {
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/***** PAGENAME                                                                        *****/

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/***** SAIDIT LOGO                                                                     *****/

#header-img.default-header {
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/***** TABMENU                                                                         *****/

#header .tabmenu {
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.tabmenu li {
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/***** USERBAR                                                                         *****/

#header-bottom-right a.message-count {
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   padding: 3px 5px 5px 5px;
   margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 0px; }

/***** SIDEBOX                                                                         *****/

.side {
   border-top: none;
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.theme-daymode .side {

   border: 1px solid #888;                                           /** formerly #DD4400 **/
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background-image: url(%%BW%%);
background-repeat: no-repeat; }

.theme-nightmode .side {
background-image: url(%%BW1%%);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
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.theme-daymode .side:hover {
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.theme-nightmode .side:hover {
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/***** SIDEBOX Submit/Create Button Arrow Point background transparency                *****/

.side, .theme-daymode .morelink .nub {
    background-color: none; }

/***** SIDEBOX "Moderation Tools" text only (remove background highlight block)        *****/

ul.flat-vert.icon-menu a {
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/***** BODY                                                                            *****/

body.theme-daymode   {
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/***** POSTS alternating "stripes" darker                                              *****/

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.theme-nightmode .odd.link {
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.theme-daymode .odd.link:hover {
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.theme-nightmode .odd.link:hover {
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/***** POSTS alternating "stripes" lighter                                             *****/

.theme-daymode .even.link {
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.theme-nightmode .even.link {
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.theme-daymode .even.link:hover {
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.theme-nightmode .even.link:hover {
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/***** POSTS + COMMENTS larger "comments" + "edit" + "reply" links                     *****/

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.theme-daymode .entry .buttons a.edit-usertext:link,
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.theme-nightmode .entry .buttons a.bylink.comments:link,
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.theme-daymode .entry .buttons a.bylink.comments:visited,
.theme-daymode .entry .buttons a.edit-usertext:visited,
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.theme-nightmode .entry .buttons a.bylink.comments:visited,
.theme-nightmode .entry .buttons a.edit-usertext:visited,
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/***** COMMENTS                                                                        *****/

/***** SUBMIT CONTENT                                                                  *****/

/***** FOOTER                                                                          *****/

.footer-parent   {
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.footer-parent .rounded ul.flat-vert.hover {
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.theme-nightmode .footer-parent .rounded {
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   border-radius: 20px; }

/***** FOOTER "2020 SaidIt" reposition + padding                                       *****/

.footer-parent .bottommenu {
   position: relative;
   top: -44px;
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.theme-daymode .footer-parent .bottommenu {
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.theme-nightmode .footer-parent .bottommenu {
   background-color: #1A1A1A; }

/***** FOOTER banner replaced                                                          *****/

.theme-daymode   .footer-banner{
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   background-color: #FFFFFF;
   background-image: url(%%2019-nCoV-banner-new%%); }

.theme-nightmode .footer-banner {
   border: none;
   background-color: #000000;
   background-image: url(%%2019-nCoV-banner-new%%); }

/***** END                                                                             *****/



193 readers

~3 users here now


All news and thoughts on the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic and the related fallout.

Just speak your mind.

Update 8.18.2020.

Half a year after creating this sub out of shear frustration directed at r/Coronavirus mods/admins for their readiness to censor, remove and edit user posts involving alternative voices right of Chairman Fauxci; I WENT BACK and this is what I've found: https://imgur.com/22INTV8

Not one "hot" post talking about the proven successful practice of HERD IMMUNIzation (Sweden) or the Chloroquine based cure(treatment) (Switzerland, Turkey...)

THANK YOU ALL for posting! There are a number of regular posters who are really putting in the effort too, thank you especially for carrying the torch in these dark times, giving other readers hope and avoiding fear porn of Reddit as much as possible. If you would like to be a mod here, please contact me. In case I get metaphorically KIA, I'd like a few trusted people to keep the sub alive.

created by kokolokoNightcrawlera community for