by jet199 to /s/MediaAnalysis from (
Another stone in the wall | Josephine Bartosch | The Critic MagazineTransing Children
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CNN’s optical delusion - How American progressives get “TERF Island” wrong | Bev Jackson | The Critic MagazineIndoctrination / Doublethink
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DANGER, women may be having fun in YOUR neighbourhoodPRIVILEGE
by jet199 to /s/TumblrInAction from (
Meet your masters (the queer colonists) - The Critic MagazineVirtue Signaling
by Chunkeeguy to /s/LGBDropTheT from (
An exercise in talking shop | Kathleen Stock | The Critic MagazineLegal Rights / Politics
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Physician, heal thyself - the Twitter adventures of a misogynistic gay doctorTargeting / Harassment
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The sexist pseudoscience of ‘gender identity’ - LGBT groups backflip in the UKTransing Children
by Chunkeeguy to /s/LGBDropTheT from (