Bill Gates and Donald Trump are still allies, enjoying a long dinner together since Trump was re-elected. video
30 minutes ago by In-the-clouds to /s/news from (
Antisemitism is noticing jewish behavior
1 day ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from (
Holocaust survivors have more than doubled since 2016...
4 days ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from (
Woman explains why islam should be killed in one sentence
12 days ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from (
The holodomor and the holohoax
Canada, just like in America the same people are still in charge
12 days ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/canada from (
14 days ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from (
Climate change is like the holohoax
16 days ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from (
Germany is gone. This is what happens when you support jews and their love for mass immigration in only white nations
19 days ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from (
DNA - Densest information storage mechanism known ~ VIDEO
20 days ago by In-the-clouds to /s/technology from (
Sunflower: 100% Beauty ~ My son grew this plant in 2012 in Arkansas. He called it "100% Beauty". It is a cheerful sight. Now I am wanting to see more of these plants growing around me. VIDEO
22 days ago by In-the-clouds to /s/videos from (
"WE GOT A NADER!" - If a man rejoices to see the destruction of what is his own, it will be hard for God to save him from hell. VIDEO ~ Warning: Contains profanity....
27 days ago by In-the-clouds to /s/videos from (
29 days ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from (
Community notes on Twitter are finally telling the truth
1 month ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from (
Half-Life 2 city scanner (in real life) ~ VIDEO
1 month ago by In-the-clouds to /s/Gaming from (
Lgbt community represent!
White Christmas
First it was Hispanics and now the Arabs are being put into the system as "white"...
Climate change
Precursor to the BIG ONE - "It appears to have been a fireball that exploded twice before falling" ~ Hokkaido, Japan, Dec-05-2024 ~ Revelation 8:8 ~ VIDEO
1 month ago by In-the-clouds to /s/space from (
Plaques at Auschwitz
2 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from (
Samoan savages
Paris 2024
Democrats hate women
2 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/politics from (
Why is "our greatest ally" fighting against our next president while he's trying to improve the country?
And who is responsible for bringing those savages to the UK?
The only thing mudsharks deserve
The Japanese man "jacob (((adelstein))) " says japan must inject Africans into their gene pool to thrive as a nation...
Another jew being anti-white? Why do jews hate white people because we're the only ones protecting them from total annihilation?
Black males and what they are responsible for in the USA
Auschwitz was inspected by the red cross in November of 1944 and they found no evidence of installations for extermination of prisoners
Breeding program
A black family with their black slave
The new normal for election season
Jews posing as self hating whites only to admit they are jewish!
Why would they use a phote of a fire burning in ohio only to tell you it's a photo from Auschwitz if the holohoax really happened?
The "good guys"
For no reason at all
3 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from (
3 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/funny from (
Any guesses?
You Democrats still trust numbere given from the FBI?
Anne Frank hoax
Why would anyone need more than a 15 round magazine?
Hurricane Kamala
The jewish war against Ireland rages on
Vote Harris vote communism!
We're not being replaced they say...
The far-right
4 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from (
ChatGPT is asked about Auschwitz
So cunning
I thought he looked familiar
Understanding and celebrating unique migrant cultures in the UK
A nigress apparently killed a cat and then ate it in front of her neighbors
jewish gratitude
5 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from (
American politics summed up in one image
Guess who came up with the "out of Africa" theory
India...what a place
Another jew gets called out for being anti-white while promoting a nigger portraying the queen of England in a movie. It ends just as you'd think it would
Disgusting jews
The result of not being racist
An honest mistake
5 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/funny from (
More anti-white propaganda from the UK
Self-hating British prime minister refers to his own people as "nazi thugs". Everytime white people get fed up they're called "nazi's". I wonder why that is...
White men have done more for the world than any other group in all of history
5 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from (
Half the Israelis are fine with jews raping Palestinian prisoners
Remember, a prostitute will tell you whatever you want to hear as long as you pay her
If you don't support the Palestinian holocaust then jews want to flood your country with muslims
6 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from (
How many?
Jewish historians
Wise words for white people
Stop race mixing
BBC blackwashing history again
Not surprised
A picture of jacques1102
MLK: when you realize...
Whites without blacks vs blacks without whites
What was celebrated on juneteenth before the jews made it a holiday for niggers
7 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from (
Never forget the sacrifices made by Britain so they would never be ruled by foreigners...
White genocide: send the young white men to die while the foreign invaders (our replacements) are exempt from the draft...
What jews do to only white nations
Nobody interferes in elections more than Israel yet you only hear about Russia, China, etc.
Nobody looks around for nazi's at night when they go to the ATM...
R/bannedbooks doesn't allow a certain kind of banned books for some reason...
8 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from (
Perverts are now charging money to "read" to the children...
8 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from (
What cohencidental timing!
Aipac halts funding for 15 Republican lawmakers after refusal to vote for 14 billion Israel "aid" bill
8 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/politics from (
Jews hate white people
It's not a gun problem
9 months ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/whatever from (
One girl looks terrified for her life, the other girl is literally with Hitler
This video made me question what it means to be "white" or "black". What color is his skin? I guess you would have to specify the part of his body you are asking about. [video]
9 months ago by In-the-clouds to /s/videos from (
Pretty wild for a foreign government to say out loud...
Vultures wait for jackal to finish eating....
A short summary of the 20th century for the confused people
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