Barrie Trower on 5G at the Exeter Phoenix
4 years ago by LarrySwinger2 to /s/conspiracy from (
It's Time to Revisit "The Truman Show" (Truthstream Media)
4 years ago by LarrySwinger2 to /s/videos from (
Portland Woman Harassed and Assaulted for her Attire
Heideroosjes - Politically Correct Piece of Shit
4 years ago by LarrySwinger2 to /s/music from (
David Coleman, Jewish Zionist, In His Own Words... exposing not only his "unqualified position" to write the standards but the true purpose behind the paradigm shift in standards, curriculum, testing and "valuable DATA." A conniving snake who is literally telling parents he is not qualified!
4 years ago by Jesus to /s/conspiracy from (
I post about Jews a lot but how about Nazi Zionist corporations?
We Need Reparations for Black Folks!
As God Intended but not really
Navigating Kubrick's Sync Maze
The Picture Has Worth (scene from Hail, Caesar!)
'Jewish NeoCons' Responsible For Iraq War and 9/11
Tom Suárez: The woes of Zionism i.e. Terrorism. The Zionist project itself is one of terrorism :: The Politics of the Zionist narrative
4 years ago by Jesus to /s/politics from (
Tom Suárez on Jewish ethnic-Nationalism and Zionist Terrorism and Assassinations
4 years ago by Jesus to /s/JewishSupremacy from (
"Flu Deluxe"
Skyclad - I Dubious
Interview with Vivienne Westwood, who suspended herself in a cage in support of Julian Assange
4 years ago by LarrySwinger2 to /s/news from (
King Crimson - Epitaph
Tiel funkscias gejseroj - Scivolemo
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/esperanto from (
Aaron Russo blows the whistle on the microchip agenda (2007)
I can only buy ONE PS5??
4 years ago by FediNetizen to /s/hardware from (
Why I, as a black man, attend KKK rallies. | Daryl Davis at TEDxNaperville
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution - Antony Sutton
Charlotte Iserbyt: Societies Secrets
CIA Gangstalking Techniques REVEALED
4 years ago by LarrySwinger2 to /s/funny from (
Nickelback - Edge Of A Revolution
Weird Al Yankovic - Everything You Know Is Wrong
"Petra, la roka urbo" el Scivolemo
It's time to GET where we're GOING (Dana Ashlie)
On Contact: Patriotism & Dissent with Danny Sjursen
4 years ago by Jesus to /s/news from (
From CIA’s Khashoggi Hoax & Epstein Ties To Bushes-Clintons Joint Cabal
Comedians CALL OUT PC/CANCEL CULTURE (Bill Burr, Dave Chappelle, Jerry Seinfeld, Ricky Gervais)
4 years ago by LarrySwinger2 to /s/politics from (
The privilege they erased from history.
4 years ago by LarrySwinger2 to /s/censorship from (
Trump Interview 9/11/01: "They Had Bombs That Exploded Almost Simultaneously" Even Despite Trump's Alliance with the 9/11 Perps he still told some truth
Jeremy Rothe-Kushel, a Jew exposing Mossad and Israel's role in 9/11: "I didn't do 9/11, and I'm Jewish and I didn't help Mossad." THis Jew does more than most non-Jews when it comes to exposing 9/11
4 years ago by Jesus to /s/Jews from (
9/11 Predicted in Media: 51mins Censored -- The Majority of the creators of these prescient displays of the 9/11 event are Zionists or connected to Israel.
Department of Public Health Directorey is telling you that you don't have to die from COVID for it to be counted as a cause of death!!!!
4 years ago by Jesus to /s/WorldNews from (
Who Was "Warned" about 9/11? Trump - Silverstein - Netanyahu
Scivolemo - Kiel ekestas fosilioj?
Who Was 'Warned' about 9/11? Trump - Silverstein - Netanyahu
4 years ago by Jesus to /s/The_Donald from (
Mike Pompeo called on Iran Deal, Zionist Media Dishonesty & Surveillance Treason (C-SPAN 7/14/15)
Who Was Warned? Trump - Silverstein - Netanyahu
4 years ago by Jesus to /s/911truth from (
Department of Public Health Director: The Truth was Given to You on COVID Death Counts
France Gall - Ella, elle l'a
A good video about the problems with Progressive Christianity
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/Christianity from (
JFK Assassination Was Covered Up By Freemasons
The Gathering - Shot To Pieces
UN Agenda 2030 exposed
De Heideroosjes - Come Clean
Rioting is Designed to Destroy Freedom - Bill Cooper
Proving the Illuminati is Real! - Nigahiga
Cream - We're Going Wrong
Morgan Freeman on Black History Month
Consolidated - Friendly Fascism
Chatting with a 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist
The Coup Enters Phase 3: Co-opted Generals & Insiders (Sibel Edmonds on current events)
WHEN NOT VOTING IS BETTER THAN VOTING | The lesser of two evils is still evil
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/Voting_IsARiggedJoke from (
David Coleman In His Own Words... exposing not only his unqualified position to write the standards but the true purpose behind the paradigm shift in standards, curriculum, testing and valuable DATA.
5 years ago by Jesus to /s/conspiracy from (
Deconstructing Assange & Wikileaks: Limited Hangout
Leaked John Kerry Audio Shows White House Wanted ISIS to Rise in Syria In Order To Get Assad To Negotiate (And For Some Odd Reason, They Didn't Think He'd Ask Russia For Help)
5 years ago by CompleteDoubterII to /s/Syria from (
Divide & Conquer -- Don't be played !
5 years ago by Jesus to /s/conspiracyundone from (
How Murray Rothbard Changed my Mind on War | Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
5 years ago by sawboss to /s/Libertarianism from (
The Antique Toaster that's Better than Yours
5 years ago by DrStrangelove to /s/engineering from (
Disney's Deepfakes are SCARING me!
4 years ago by iraelmossadreddit to /s/conspiracy from (
CMC. The Italian undercover CIA and Mossad station and the assassination of JFK: Permindex, World Brotherhood Inc., Israel's Mossad, the Likud and the CIA
Understanding Anthropometry for Sculptors, the White, Asian and Negroid Skulls.
4 years ago by BillionDollarEgg3 to /s/Art from (
The Israeli Lobby Part 1 (The Film the Israeli Lobby does not What you to see; Censored by Qatar)
The Truth about the Anti-Semitism Bill: Either you believe in free speech or you don't and why is Trump bringing on the Pedo Dershowitz and Robert Kraft who is tied to prostitution to speak?
Nuance Bro. interviews CPAC and asks a question on the anti-Semitism bill
CMC. The Italian undercover CIA and Mossad station and the assassination of JFK - New Never Before Released Documents Prove who and why JFK was Killed
Why don't you ask Mordechai Vanunu what happened to Kennedy. Jewish Broadcasting Propaganda about JFK
Husband of nurse killed in Nova Scotia shooting feels 'empty' and SHOWS ZERO EMOTION ; Looks like he's reading a script and they have to add in the Covid drama as well.
Who Is Responsible For Climate Change? – Who Needs To Fix It? (Kurzgesagt)
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/collapse from (
Orchestrated Race War - The Age of KARENS!
Seinfeld - The Magic Loogie, Reconstructed
I'm Telling You, You've Got The Wrong Guy. Cop Walk Of Shame
4 years ago by Jesus to /s/PoliceMisconduct from (
A Message To Essential Workers... You're Next
The miracles and coincidences of TV terror
Watch Trudeau pause for more than 20 seconds when asked about Trump, U.S. protests
Are you not entertained?
The Secret of Perpetual Power
George Floyd and the subsequent riots: Who Benefits?
Two Jewish Zionists Talk about Mandatory Vaccines
Are You Ready For Your...Immunity Passport? - Ron Paul Liberty Report
4 years ago by Drewski to /s/Coronavirus from (
Shelter in Place with Edward Snowden
4 years ago by roastpotatothief to /s/whatever from (
They're Distorting Your Rhthym: Banned over 120 times from YouTube; all he does is expose the Truth Inc. scam corporation and the FSB, MOSSAD, CIA, FBI, NSA, and any other agent to any other agency involved in gatekeeping the real conspiracy whilst making that patreon spinach.
Sen. Rand Paul Defends the Constitution, Condemns Warrantless Government Surveillance (and the Patriot Act) - May 14, 2020
4 years ago by whistlepig to /s/news from (
What It's Like to Believe Everything the Media Tells You - JP Sears
4 years ago by DrStrangelove to /s/funny from (
Apple and Google contact tracing is a dystopian nightmare
4 years ago by DrStrangelove to /s/privacy from (
Chatting with a Person that Recovered from Covid-19
Sacrafice for the Craft: more greed-based, than scientific in any manner. Forget all your isms; Lex Mercatoria: Mission Impossible or mission success!
How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health - James Corbett
4 years ago by DrStrangelove to /s/conspiracy from (
The Fake War Between Donald Trump and the Media
Interview with Cenk Uygur 9/21/19 (foreign collusion, 9/11)
On Contact: Colonial war on Palestine with Rashid Khalidi; don't care if this was on RT; he's a great objective author
On Contact: Colonial war on Palestine with Rashid Khalidi
4 years ago by Jesus to /s/Israelexposed from (
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